The purpose of the Michigan Club Lamb Association (MCLA) is:
• to represent our club lamb producers in the decision making process at both state and local levels.
• to educate our youth in the sheep industry through opportunities and involvement in the MCLA.
• to promote our club lamb industry through sales, advertising and shows.
MCLA recommend that fairs and exhibitions do not allow lambs with rectal prolapses to show.

We welcome you to be a part of an organization that's has been moving forward to promote the club lamb industry since 2003. Joining the MCLA will provide you with the opportunity to voice your concerns and be a part of decisions that affect the club lamb industry. Producing, marketing and showing club lambs are topics that should be addressed by the club lamb producer. If you are a club lamb producer, you should consider joining the MCLA and have your voice heard!
Promoting our youth through enhancing their knowledge in the sheep industry, developing desirable qualities in showmanship and leadership skills are attainable goals for the MCLA. The MCLA is moving forward to provide opportunities for our Michigan youth by providing showmanship clinics, educational enrichment, and sponsoring junior shows throughout Michigan in the years ahead! Don't miss the opportunity to promote not only the club lamb industry, but also the junior exhibitors who need our support.
Join the MCLA TODAY!
Online Membership Form